Since the day I noticed that Coca Cola started the new #ShareACoke campaign I've been on the hunt for my name, Melissa. Yesterday I was told that there's a website that you can go to and check and see if your name is available in stores. Well, mine isn't. On the upside, Coca Cola says my name is unique. Really, Coke? There are at least 319,988 Melissa's in the world {according to Wikipedia *snicker*}. My name is far from unique. :o)
The only name in my family that I can {or will} find is Jake. Oh well. One out of seven aren't bad odds...or are they?
Good news, if your name isn't available in stores you can make a virtual bottle.

Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. I just think the campaign is fun. I do enjoy looking at all of the names Coke chose...that they think aren't unique. Like, Ibrahim is a popular name??
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