With every passing Halloween my kids get a little more
chill with their costumes. This year Jake didn't dress up at all, Jonah wore his football pads and helmet, Jett wore a Zombie Doctor costume that we found at the children's consignment store
yesterday, McKinley was Elsa {of course!} and Mabry wore a hand-me-down leopard costume from her cousin. Each year I have high hopes of dressing as a themed family...and maybe when life slows down my dream will come true. {Although, I mentioned to Hubs yesterday that we have just the right amount of people in our family to dress-up as The Seven Dwarfs and his response was, "McKinley has always wanted to be a dwarf." **insert LOTS of sarcasm** So, maybe I'll never have that dream come true, after all.}
I'm kind of okay with Halloween just coming together the way it does. My kids all have fun trick-or-treating for candy, we have family and neighbors over for chili {it's become a tradition} and we sit and enjoy the evening while the kids play. Last night was no exception. It was fun.
Before the sun set I snapped these few photos. My kids and my niece and nephew. All cuties!

{my sister-in-law and her family}

{with some friends}
How was your Halloween? What did your little goblins dress up as??
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