We had a long weekend this past weekend, and it was great! I always go into these things kind of dreading the lack of alone time. [Don't judge me...you know you love it when your kids are at school gettin' their education on while you get your "you time" on.] But, this weekend was different. The girls quietly played with their Shopkins. We even added to their collection with a few from the McDonald's Happy Meals.
Speaking of Shopkins, do your little girls just love these little things?? McKinley and Mabry will play for HOURS with them. They play store, ice cream truck, organize them, study their little faces; they LOVE them!
Mary wanted rainbow sherbet for breakfast on Friday. You know what? Most cereals have more sugar than sherbet. And, there's fruit juice in sherbet, so there's that. Also, we shared that bowl. YUM!
In a generation of all-things-electronic, we've gotten away from sending a good, old-fashioned, handwritten letter. I worked on a campaign last month and this week I received a lovely letter and notebook from the PR company. Small gestures = big impact. Remember that.
On Saturday, it was a beautiful day so we decided it was a great day to go to the Jacksonville Zoo. We LOVE our zoo. If you are ever in the Jacksonville area, you must visit our zoo. I'm trying to think of just one or two exhibits to tell you to make sure to see, but seriously, there's SO MUCH GOODNESS at the Jacksonville Zoo! [I also have a very cool story to tell you about this day at the zoo, but it'll have to wait for another post. It was so very serendipitous...just you wait!]
Oh, Jacksonville, you are beautiful. Sure, it isn't the NYC skyline, or the Windy City skyline, but it's our little skyline.
On Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I took Jonah, McKinley and Mabry into Downtown Jax. We stopped by Friendship Fountain before walking to the Museum of Science and History.
I'm pretty intrigued by this building. I think after I finish this post I'm going to do a little research to see the back story on it.
I love that my girls are growing up in the city that I grew up in. I love even more that they are getting to experience Downtown Jacksonville and that they love it!

Am I the only one who thinks it's kind of funny that there's a phone booth in the museum? Like, on display, not for use. My kids asked me if they had these things back in the olden days when I was a kid. When I was a kid. #BecauseImAncient Really? Okay, yes we did. And, you had to know the phone number you needed to call. And, you had to have a quarter to make a call. AND, you only had like 5 minutes to talk before you had to add more money. It wasn't like a cell phone where the phone number is stored and you can talk endlessly. Not to mention, who carries change in their pockets? We all use our debit cards for everything these days. Boy, times have changed!
Martin Luther King Jr., you made this world a better place. Because of you my kids can be dreamers. Jonah dreams to make the world a safer place. Dream big, baby boy.

After the museum we drove over to Sweet Pete's to get a sweet treat. Mabry was passed out before we even got to the interstate. [notice the sucker in her hand]
At the end of a great weekend came a beautiful sunset. This coming weekend is another long weekend. Let's see if we can have a repeat.
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There are Amazon affiliate links within this post. What does that mean? When you click on the link and make any purchase, a small commission is paid to me to help support jonahbonah dot com and my little family.
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