On the morning of July 6th, I got home from my third visit to the ER. McKinley was already awake, sitting on the couch. She had been complaining of an upset tummy since the night before, and she had already vomited a couple of times. After a few hours of praying her upset tummy would get better on its own, it had already been about 8-10 hours of her not keeping anything down. Now, I feel it necessary to insert here, that I do not typically take myself or my children to the doctor, much less the hospital for every little ailment. But, given the recent events, I felt like she needed to go and be seen. Better safe than sorry, yes?
We got checked in around 6:30pm. The ER doctor asked all of the usual doctor questions, started an IV with fluids, gave her medication through her IV for nausea, and went off to order tests. The radiologist came in shortly after and wheeled her away for a x-ray. The results from the x-ray came back and a plan was developed. The doctor tried three different remedies before giving the unfortunate news, she needed to be admitted.
Her daddy came to visit. Talk about a sight for sore eyes. He was just what she needed to let her know it was all going to be okay. This was also before she was admitted...and we had no idea we'd be there for a few days. Notice the "throw up bucket' on her lap. Bless her heart, she couldn't keep anything down, not even with the anti-nausea medication.
To the sixth floor of Wolfson Children's Hospital we went. It was after midnight by now. McKinley's first nurse was so sweet. Her name was Amika. She got McKinley into her non-slip hospital socks, tucked her into bed, showed her how to work the TV remote and nurse call button, and even got me something to eat for dinner. In the ER, McKinley wasn't allowed anything to eat or drink. Now that she was admitted, she could pretty much have whatever she wanted. Amika made sure our first nights stay was comfortable. I mean, as comfortable as one can be in a hospital. After everything that we had endured in the ER we only wanted to sleep. Next step, wait until the morning doctors came in to work, and a new plan would be put into action. Thankfully, McKinley didn't have any more spells of vomiting, so she was able to get some sleep. And, I was also able to get some sleep.
The following morning a whole team of doctors came in. Like, eight of them, all at once. It was a bit overwhelming, actually. The lead doctor, I mean, I guess he was the lead, told us the plan, checked her belly sounds, and then told us he'd check back later. We actually never saw him again, LOL, but that's ok. His plan got my girl's belly working again. After many, MANY packets of Miralax, many mini bottles of Gatorade, a handful of stool softeners, a couple enemas, and goodness knows what else, her bowels began to move again. Who knew severe constipation could cause a hospital stay?
After three nights and four days in the hospital McKinley was ready to bust outta that joint! We couldn't wait to get our girl home and get back to enjoying our Summer vacation. Little did we know she wouldn't be the only person in our family to go to the hospital that week. Part three coming soon.
Did you know that constipation is common in children? The cause is usually a sudden change in diet, a child's already poor diet, not drinking enough water, too busy to stop and "go," and other reasons are among common reasons for constipation in children. I'm going to assume, in McKinley's case, it was a diet that consists of LOTS of bread (she LOVES bread) and playing too hard to stop and "go." These are my guesses, we'll never really know. What I do know now is, we will certainly take precautionary measures to ensure our children go everyday. Lots of water, exercise, and a daily probiotic.
McKinley had many visitors. I can't thank each of these friends enough for visiting my girl. Their company lifted her spirits and gave her hope that everything would be a-okay. They brought gifts and sat and colored and played with her. Thank you, friends!
This sweet dog came in to visit her, too. This was on her first morning, so she wasn't feeling well at all. You can see it in her face.
McKinley's 2nd grade teacher, Miss Ketner, stopped in to visit. Although she wasn't feeling real well, we decided to take a walk through the halls. I'm glad we did, we found the art and game room!
Our besties, Cheyenne, Tonya, and Hailey came to visit. Cheyenne was so sweet with McKinley. She helped her push her IV pole around the hallways.
You can see she was beginning to feel better. Her daddy came to visit her after work one day, and they went down to the play room to get some painting in.
Once back in her room, Daddy did a little painting of his own. He painted his princess's toes.
Grandma and Papa came to play, too.

One of McKinley's best cheer friends came two times to see her. The first day Presli came McKinley was still really sick and not feeling well. You could tell that Presli was unsure of the situation, she was quiet and kept her distance. The next time she came, McKinley was feeling a LOT better and, well, these two were acting super silly!

Cheyenne also came twice. McKinley sure has some great friends!

One of McKinley's best cheer friends came two times to see her. The first day Presli came McKinley was still really sick and not feeling well. You could tell that Presli was unsure of the situation, she was quiet and kept her distance. The next time she came, McKinley was feeling a LOT better and, well, these two were acting super silly!

Cheyenne also came twice. McKinley sure has some great friends!
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